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Search Results

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OA LH DA GBL Load Est Wt Type of Wt Pickup RDD Origin O State Destination D State LHPCT
KKFA0903556 RES 7500 EstWt 07/08/24 07/31/24 Olivehurst CA Castroville TX 50.00 178322 240708 240731 007500 050.00
KKFA0902408 RES 7466 SurveyedWt 07/08/24 07/31/24 Colorado Springs CO Fort Knox KY 58.00 178215 240708 240731 007466 058.00
KKFA0902400 RES 4679 SurveyedWt 07/02/24 07/18/24 Colorado Springs CO Fort Riley KS 58.00 178216 240702 240718 004679 058.00
BGAC0659379 NTS-WH 4338 SurveyedWt 07/09/24 07/29/24 BALTIMORE MD Montgomery AL 58.00 177875 240709 240729 004338 058.00


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**When accepting shipments, please note that LH discount will be paid at the LH % listed above regardless of what is listed on the GBL.